Crazy Sunset Clouds

Crazy Sunset Clouds, this photo is available to licence on EyeEm.


Friday, August 17, 2018

In This Edition:
Cork, Kate, Retool, meteor showers, robots find Waldo, blockchain programming, AI proves Fibromyalgia exists, cartography and a Rockstar programming language!

Kate Open Rehearsals

I had the pleasure of attending the open rehearsals for the theatre production Kate in Volcano Theatre in Swansea last week. The play premiered at the National Eisteddfod in Cardiff this year. Check out some more of my photos of the play here.




Retool is a drag and drop tool that lets you create web based apps to manage data. It aims to allow you to build internal tools easily with a set of building blocks.



Meteor Showers From Space

This is a fantastic interactive website that allows you to view numerous meteor show formations within the solar system. You can even zoom in and move around, i.e. space travel! :-p

AI Finds Waldo

Image: YouTube, RedPepper

U.S. creative agency RedPepper has built a Raspberry Pi powered robot arm with AI image recognition which can successfully find Waldo. The system uses OpenCV to extract the faces from the image and Google Auto ML Vision cloud service to match the faces to Waldo model. No word as of yet on whether Waldo's British older brother Wally has escaped the robot overlords :-p


Program The Blockchain


Program The Blockchain is a site with a range of blockchain code tutorials. Topics on the site range from blockchain basics to tutorials on how to write an ERC20 Token contract and createing state channels.

AI Proves Fibromyalgia Exists

Image: López-Solà, Woo CW, Pujol J, Deus J, Harrison BJ, Monfort J, Wager TD.

Researchers have used machine learning and AI to identify a brain signal model that characterises Fibromyalgia, despite the some doctors believing that Fibromyalgia does not exist. The signature model can be used for assessing therapeutic mechanisms and predicting treatment response at an individual patient level.


Cartography Playground

Image: Cartography Playground

Cartography Playground is a great interactive site that demonstrates various algorithms and techniques used in modern cartography such as clustering and generalisation. Tools on the site allow the user to interact with the various models and options.

Cool Thing Of The Week: Rockstar Programming Language

Image: Dylan Beattie

About Found This Week

Found This Week is a curated blog of interesting posts, articles, links and stories in the world of technology, science and life in general.
Each edition is curated by Daryl Feehely every Friday and highlights cool stuff found each week.
The first 104 editions were published on Medium before this site was created, check out the archive here.

Daryl Feehely

I’m a web consultant, contract web developer, technical project manager & photographer originally from Cork, now based in London. I offer my clients strategy, planning & technical delivery services, remotely & in person. I also offer freelance CTO services to companies in need of technical bootstrapping or reinvention. If you think I can help you in your business, check out my details on

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