Clare Clouds

Image: Clare Clouds, this photo is available to licence on EyeEm.


Friday, June 21, 2019

In This Edition:
Extinction Rebellion, Website images analysis, detecting photoshopped faces, LaLiga is listening, Show Your Stripes, ISS Hotel & This Is Not A Drill.

This week I learned about Extinction Rebellion by reading their life changing book, This Is Not A Drill (review). They are a cross-discipline international group seeking radical change through non-violent civil disobedience to minimise the risk of human extinction and ecological collapse. If you are worried about the climate emergency, sceptical or inquisitive, I urge you to read This Is Not A Drill.

Website Image Analysis Tool


Cloudinary have a handy free website image speed test analysis tool that gives you recommendations on how to save space on the images on your site.


AI Spots Photoshopped Faces

Image: Engadget, Adobe

Researchers at UC Berkeley and a team at Adobe have trained a convolutional neural network to detect photoshopped faces at 99% accuracy compared to 53% human accuracy.


LaLiga Is Listening

Image: Brian Ach/Getty Images for LaLiga

The Spanish soccer league LaLiga has been fined €250,000 for breah of data privacy laws after they used their scores app to covertly listen for soccer matches being illegally streamed in bars using the phone's microphone and GPS location. The app was downloaded more than 10 millions times and did include a clause in the terms and conditions that user would consent to allowing their phone to be used to detect fradulent behaviour like pirated soccer games. The Spanish data protection agency judged that this wasn't made clear enough to users and has ordered a takedown of the app.


Show Your Stripes

Image: (Ireland Stripes)

Climate scientist at University of Reading Ed Hawkins has created the #ShowYourStripes datavis site, which generates an image of temperature increases for every country for the last 100 years or so. Each stripe averages the temperature over a year and is built from the Berkely Earth Temperature Dataset. (H/T to Mikael for sharing this)

ISS Hotel

Image: NASA

NASA is to open up the International Space Station (ISS) to tourists from 2020, at the cost of $35,000 per night PPS. The price doesn't include transfers to and from earth, which are estimated at $60m each way!


Book Review: This Is Not A Drill - Extinction Rebellion

Image: Penguin Books

This is the most important book you will read. It's a gut punch followed by a loving hug and sense of empowerment.
Tell everyone, Act Now. Read this book, please!

If you use this affiliate link to buy the book on Waterstones, the commission will go towards running (thanks!).

About Found This Week

Found This Week is a curated blog of interesting posts, articles, links and stories in the world of technology, science and life in general.
Each edition is curated by Daryl Feehely every Friday and highlights cool stuff found each week.
The first 104 editions were published on Medium before this site was created, check out the archive here.

Daryl Feehely

I’m a web consultant, contract web developer, technical project manager & photographer originally from Cork, now based in London. I offer my clients strategy, planning & technical delivery services, remotely & in person. I also offer freelance CTO services to companies in need of technical bootstrapping or reinvention. If you think I can help you in your business, check out my details on

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