
Image: Sun, this photo is available to licence on EyeEm.


Friday, June 4, 2021

In This Edition:
Badger butter, birdsong spectrograms, tricking birds with magic, Web Interface Handbook, landing page learnings, & the best physics movies!

Birdsong Spectrograms

Image: Soundshader

Soundshader published on Github a study of using the DFT shift theorem to generate spectrograms from birdsong and compare them to spectrograms generated from musical instruments.

Tricking Birds With Magic

Image: The Conversation

Researchers at Cambridge studied how well hand based magic tricks work on Eurasian Jays. The clever birds saw through two of the three magic tricks, possibly because the birds had no expectations around human hand mechanics.

Web Interface Handbook

Image: Imperavi

The Web Interface Handbook is a valuable resource of do's and dont's for web interface development, covering topics such as layout, forms, buttons, and patterns.


Landing Page Learnings

Image: Roast My Landing Page

Olly from Roast My Landing Page published a post describing the tips he has learned from roast 200 landing pages.

The Best Physics Movies

Image: IMDB

Wonder of Physics published a great list of the best science movies, many of which are rate above 7 on IMDB, which I have found is a good indicator of a good film. Special shout out for Predestination, the best time travel movie ever made.

About Found This Week

Found This Week is a curated blog of interesting posts, articles, links and stories in the world of technology, science and life in general.
Each edition is curated by Daryl Feehely every Friday and highlights cool stuff found each week.
The first 104 editions were published on Medium before this site was created, check out the archive here.

Daryl Feehely

I’m a web consultant, contract web developer, technical project manager & photographer originally from Cork, now based in London. I offer my clients strategy, planning & technical delivery services, remotely & in person. I also offer freelance CTO services to companies in need of technical bootstrapping or reinvention. If you think I can help you in your business, check out my details on

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