Items of Interest

Pomodoro Technique

Ever having trouble being productive? Constantly fightinf procrastination? Yeah, me neither :-p The Pomodoro technique is an excellent framework to trick yourself into being productivw without the pain of having to go through the denial and eventual acceptance :-) Check out Chris Winfield's post on The Pomodoro Technique on Buffer here.  

Preventing Account Takeover

Google teamed up with researchers from New York University and the University of California, San Diego to conduct a year long study into the effectiveness of account recovery techniques against attacks. They found that adding a recovery phone number to your Google account blocks 100% of automated bots, 99% of bulk phishing attacks and 66% of targeted attacks.

Free Wolfram Engine for Developers

Wolfram have launched their Wolfram Engine as a free package for developers. Described by Stephen Wolfram himself on his blog, the Wolfram engine implements the Wolfram Language, which in turn offers a huge range of computational intelligence and algorithmic processing, access to the Wolfram Knowledgebase as well as over 5000 abstracted functions like machine learning, visualisation and image computation.

AI at Ford

Forbes have published a piece about how Ford Motor Company have been using AI for 15 years in their manufacturing and quality assurance processes. More recently, Ford use AI to manage inventory, to simulate their motorsport vehicles before track testing and of course, in their fleet of cars to manage their all-wheel drive system among other things. They expect to launch their self-driving car fleet in 2021.

TV Review: The Best of Enemies

This week I watched the Netlix documentary Best of Enemies. During the 1968 American Presidential campaign, the tradition among the TV networks was wall to wall coverage of both democratic and republican national conventions, where the party presidential candidates are decided. The ABC network was far behind NBC and CBS in market share, popularity and financial resources. As a result, they downgraded their coverage to nightly summaries, but need something else to attract viewers.
