Items of Interest

Hay NAWR #1

Last weekend, the first NAWR spin-off concert series launched in Hay-On-Wye. Hay NAWR #1 took place in The Globe at Hay and featured performances by Peiriant, Jenn Kirby, Beresford / Hammond and Teddy Hunter. Check out the photos from the concert here.

TV Review: Knock Down The House

Netflix released its political documentary Knock Down The House this week. The film follows the campaigns of four non-career politicians that ran for congress in the U.S. 2018 midterm elections, endorsed to run by the Justice Democrats and Brand New Congress committees. The stories and journeys of all four campaigners are riveting and emotional, but perhaps the most famous of which is the story of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who contested in the district of The Bronx & Queens in New York City.

Movie Review: Ralph Breaks The Internet

Ralph Breaks The Internet (aka Wreck It Ralph 2) is a fantastic animated film with the irony and metaphor levels of Family Guy while still being family friendly. Along with the well rounded plot and character interactions (extended from the first instalment), the film is full to the brim with internet references and memes, translated expertly into the universe paradigm of the Wreck It Ralph movie franchise. Add in an ample sprinkling of Disney multiple franchise character appearances and you have a very enjoyable watch.


Mandalagaba is a web drawing site that allows you to draw mandalas, snowflakes, recursive lines and other symmetric patterns using a suite of apps. They are incredibly satisfying to use and you can switch modes using the link in the bottom right hand corner.

The NASA Twins

Scientists have published the results of the study of the NASA twin astronauts Scott and Mark Kelly in Science Magazine. The experiment studies the physiological, molecular and cognitive changes that can happen to a human during a prolonged space mission. Scott Kelly was in the International Space Station for one year while his twin Mark stayed on earth, which allowed scientists to compare the effects of the space mission between the two identical twins.

NHS Icons

Interaction designer Ben Cullimore describes how he reviewed, designed and decided upon which set of icons to use on the NHS site. Interestingly, he describes how the use of some icons, such as ! for important information, can be overlooked as not relevant depending on the context of the user, such as thinking the important information is emergency information and not relevant in everyday scenarios.

Climate Change - The Facts

This week Climate Change - The Facts with David Attenborough aired on BBC. The one hour documentary examines and explains the facts of climate change. The current effects, the causes, the predictions and the solutions are all presented. In order to halt climate change warming at 1.5 degrees, we need to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 and get to net zero emissions by 2050. The programme describes what needs to be done by governments, industries and by us individuals.
