Items of Interest

TV Review: Umbrella Academy

I just finished watching Umbrella Academy on Netflix and I think it's great! The marketing image used above doesn't do the series justice. Based on a comic series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, the show is about a family of orphan misfits with superpowers that were groomed as children to be a crime-fighting team. That didn't last long and the show starts years later when they are all reunited after their father's death. For me, the show and its aesthetic is a mix between Watchmen, Fringe and Daredevil.

Bird Cam

A German photography living in Michigan setup a Bird Photo Booth with a motion sensor camera and captured some amazing up close images of feeding birds. The images are available to buy as postcards on her Etsy shop here.

CSS Flexbox

I'm a bit late to the CSS3 party here but CSS Tricks have a great visual tutorial on CSS Flexbox and the various layout options available in flexbox. Don't forget to use CanIUse to check browser support though, and here's a handy CSS prefix generator for that cross-browser support (and see some extra steps are here for Safari).

One Size Doesn't Fit All

This is a fascinating article that every man should read. An edited extract of Caroline Criado-Perez's book Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men was published in The Guardian this week. Example after example of everyday things that we all take for granted which are inherently biased towards men in their design shocked me.

Heat Camouflage

Research published by The American Chemical Society shows that aerogel film coated with polyethylene glycol and a waterproof layer acts as an effective invisibility cloak to infrared detectors. The relatively inexpensive coated material effectively absorbs heat but releases it slowly over time, making it less visible.
