Items of Interest

Ireland #2 Good Country

Ireland has been ranked number two on the Good Country index, which collates what a country contributes to global society and what it takes away relative to its size. While we rank highly for International Peace & Security (4th), Prosperity & Equality (6th) and Culture (9th) contributions, our Planet & Climate (27th) and Science & Technology (46th) contributions need work.

Bodhi Linux - Media Release

Dr. Guiseppe Torre of the Digital Media and Arts Research Centre at the Universoty of Limerick has created a free linux distro called Bodhi Linux - Media Release. The distro includes a list of pre-installed free software that digital artists can use to build, create, program, edit and stream graphic, video, photo ad 3D art and music.

Amazon Marketplace Cut-Throat Sellers

This is a fascinating long read by The Verge about the cut-throat goings on between super-competitive Amazon Marketplace sellers. A sub-industry has formed of "Amazon Lawyors" that help sellers recover from attacks by other sellers. Sellers have learnt to use new rules and terms against each other whenever Amazon introduces new legislation to their marketplace. When the hoverboards started exploding, Amazon cracked down on flammable products.
