Items of Interest

NASA Mars Insight

This week NASA successfully landed the Insight probe on the surface of Mars. Minutes after the probe landing, it sent back an image of the horizon of Mars. You can rewatch the entry, descent and landing from Insight Mission Control here.


Chinese scientist He Jiankui claims to have made the first gene-edited babies using CRISPR. In a clinical trial, create embryos through in vitro fertilisation from couples where the father was HIV-positive. The team then edited the embryos using CRISPR to deactivate the CCR5 gene, which the HIV virus uses to gain entry into human cells. News of the trial has been condemned by scientists as irresponsible.

Otto AI Fulfilment

German ecommerce website Otto uses an AI algorithm to forcast the stock it needs to purchase. The algorithm, originally developed for particle-physics experiments at CERN, predicts with 90% accuracy the products that will be sold within the next 30 days across 200,000 products.

AI Master Fingerprints

Researchers at New York University and University of Michigan used a AI generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate a set of master fingerprints that can fool low security fingerprint scanners 76% of the time. At more realistic security levels, the master fingerprints can are falsly matched by sensors 22% of the time.

1961 Cork

The BBC Archive Twitter account posted a fascinating video of writer Frank Connor talking about his native Cork in 1961. While his nostalgic meanderings about Cork are somewhat interesting, the real gem here is the footage of inner city Cork from 1961 and its inhabitants going about their daily lives.

Overcoming Failure

Taylor Pearson has a great post on overcoming failure, which he terms the Bucky Method after Buckminster Fuller. I won't spoil the article for you, it's worth reading to see how Taylor does a fine job of combining theories and thoughts from multiple sources into a structured methodology of advice and a practical framework to repeatedly work on projects while building constructive failure into the mix.

Spatial Web & Web 3.0

This is an interesting article by Singularity Hub on the possibilities for the next generation of the web, what they term the spatial web and web 3.0. The article describes how 5G, AI and the IoT landscape could allow realtime generation of AR and VR scenes sources from multiple public cameras in realtime, allowing the user to embed in a street protest, sporting or news event. Other technology possibilities discussed are always-available AR virtual sales people and ads, yay!
