
The Copenhagen Catalog

The Copenhagen Catalogue is a collection of 150 principles that define a new direction for the tech industry. The principles were crowd-sourced by 150 people during the Techfestival in Copenhagen and address topics such as human rights, environment responsibility and open data. (H/T to Mikael for sharing this).

You Could Be A Feminist!

You could be a feminist! A new online project is seeking responses from those who think differently because they might be a feminist, even if they don't know they are. It may come as a surprise that anyone could be a feminist, irregardless of gender. I recommend you read the project description and think about submitting a response.

Croke Park Hawks

The Irish Times has an interesting feature on the hawks used before, during and after events at Croke Park to deter seagulls from entering the ground and in particular to stop them from raiding the litter left by us filthy humans. They also use kites, acoustic systems and lasers to dis-incentivise the gulls. I can't wait to see phase 2, where they put the lasers on the hawks!

The 25% Rule

Coglode have published a new behavourial insight page called the 25% rule. According to the research, in a system where consensus is incentivised, a consensus of a 25% minority is all that is needed to change the consensus of the whole group. One quarter of the people in a group can change how the whole group thinks or acts.

Stripe Press

Stripe has launched Stripe Press, a book collection that highlights ideas that they think are highly useful. The first round of books available deal with company growth, humans and computers, the future of society and the current geo-political crisis.


Life Changing Smart Thinking Books

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