Mary Meeker & Bond have published her 2019 Internet Trends report. Internet penetration is up to 51% of the global population as of 2018, among lots of other stats. Check out the full Bond report here.
NASA has revealed that an insecure Raspberry Pi was used as an access point for hackers into the network of NASA's jet Propulsion Laboratory. The hackers stole 500MB of data which included information about international transfers of restricted military and pace technology.
The Spanish soccer league LaLiga has been fined €250,000 for breah of data privacy laws after they used their scores app to covertly listen for soccer matches being illegally streamed in bars using the phone's microphone and GPS location. The app was downloaded more than 10 millions times and did include a clause in the terms and conditions that user would consent to allowing their phone to be used to detect fradulent behaviour like pirated soccer games.
PWC have released a report on the current proliferation and uptake of voice assistants and voice recognition technology among consumers. "Usage will increase but consistency must improve for wider adoption".
If ever you needed proof as to why Stack Overflow is just amazing, behold this question and solution about how to efficiently pair a pile of socks. (The answer is hashing!)
Activist groups Fight For The Future, Demand Progress and Credo have launched the Airline Privacy website. The aim of the site is to help airline travellers book flights with airlines that don't use facial recognition (such as JetBlue). The groups are against the use of ubiquitous facial recognition which creates a world with no privacy.
Selenium is an automated UI testing tool whereby you can record interactions to replay later. Weskerfoot has published instructions on github on how to use Selenium to delete all of you Facebook wall posts.
Scientists at TU Delft in The Netherlands have created the world's smallest autonomous racing drone. The drone weighs 72g and is 10cm in diameter. It relies heavily on algorithms to predict a safe path through the course instead of multiple sensors and cameras. The drone can navigate the course at an average of two metres per second, which is on par with larger racing drones.
Stewart McGown over on Github has published code to break up encode files as Base64 binary data and store them across multiple Google Docs, which aren't counted towards your Google Drive storage quota.