
Tackling Systemic Problems

Seth Godin published a great blog post this week on how to tackle systemic problems. The answer? By committing to the long, persistent road to altering the status quo. This advice reminds me of the old quote about how to eat an elephant, one bite at a time. An important lesson pointed out by Seth in his post is that short-term urgency cannot be allowed to overtake long-term sustained effort in the quest for system change.

Productivity & Goal Setting with Marc Andreesson

The Observer Effect published an interesting interview with Marc Andreesson, partner at Andreesson Horowitz. The interview covers a lot of ground and includes some great insights into how Marc manages his productivity and goal setting on a weekly, monthly and annual basis. A standout thought for me from the interview is that it is better to "tune against a single goal as compared to trying to rethink the goals".


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