Baymard Institute published another great UX post on the top pitfalls found in ecommerce navigation that negatively affect a user's experience. Categories are key!
Baymard Institute published a useful post listing eight common pitfalls of homepage UX design, including carousels that are too fast, use of too many ads, and not displaying enough of a product range.
Tim Miller at The Data School published the best visualisation of SQL joins that I've seen so far, It's a handy resource if, like me, you keep forgetting the differences.
How Many Plants is a fantasticly handy and beautifully designed website that provides identification and caring guides for all the different kinds of indoor plants!
UXP2 Dark Patterns is an interesting website that describes five different types of dark UX patterns, such as sneaking and forced action, and provides a name and shame list of sites using these patterns against their users.
David Galles atthe University of San Francisco created a fantastic website with animations that visual data structures and algorithms as they are executed.
Max Boeck has created a starter kit for building an emergency information website. The kit includes statically generated files, basic styling to help with accessibility, offline operation via a service worker, and is optimised for one ciritical roundtrip request with inline resources.