Developer Benjamin Groessing has developed and released, a free service that removes background from uploaded images using python, ruby and deep learning.
This is an intesting post on the Google AI Blog describing how they achieve portrait mode on the Google Pixel 3 with one camera. Using a CNN, sharpness depth cues within the image can be combined with the shape estimation of everyday objects as components of the AI that runs on the phone using Tensorflow light to accurately produce blurred background for portrait mode.
German ecommerce website Otto uses an AI algorithm to forcast the stock it needs to purchase. The algorithm, originally developed for particle-physics experiments at CERN, predicts with 90% accuracy the products that will be sold within the next 30 days across 200,000 products.
Researchers at New York University and University of Michigan used a AI generative adversarial network (GAN) to generate a set of master fingerprints that can fool low security fingerprint scanners 76% of the time. At more realistic security levels, the master fingerprints can are falsly matched by sensors 22% of the time.
Victoria Krakovna has a fantastic list of examples of AI systems that have misbehaved and subverted their way to meeting their incentive goals by sometime hilarious means! Some game systems evolved to clap body parts together to exploit a collision detection bug and generate free game enerrgy.
China's state run media unveiled the world's first AI news anchor this week. The AI anchor is generated from composites of a real Chinese news anchor with added synthesised speech.
Amit Shekhar has a short but helpful medium post on MindOrks with an example of how to use Tensorflow Lite on Android for object detection, including a link to the sample application.
The Adobe MAX 2018 event demonstrated a plethora of AI enabled "multimedia" tools from Adobe this year. The innovations include the Moving Stills project which automatically generates an animated fly-through from a static image, ProjectKazoo which allows the user to hum a tune and generate sampled instrumental music from it and Fontphoria which automatically generates a custom font from one letter of a newly designed font. Check out these and the rest of the projects on the Adobe Blog.
Google have launched a search engine for data sets similar to Google Scholar, allowing data scientists, researchers and others. The search engine presents summaries of each dataset along with links to the source location of the dataset.