
Climate Change - The Facts

This week Climate Change - The Facts with David Attenborough aired on BBC. The one hour documentary examines and explains the facts of climate change. The current effects, the causes, the predictions and the solutions are all presented. In order to halt climate change warming at 1.5 degrees, we need to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 and get to net zero emissions by 2050. The programme describes what needs to be done by governments, industries and by us individuals.

Million Dollar Vegan Campaign

Animal farming is the leading river in climate change, deforestation and species lost. The million dollar vegan campaign has issued a challenge to Pope Francis that if he goes vegan for lent, they will donate one million dollars to charity. The campaign wants to raise awareness for how trying vegan for lent can start the world down the road of halting climate change. Check out the video below fronted by activist Genesis Butler on how the 12 years the planet has to halt climate change isn't very much time at all.  

Ireland Underwater in 80 years

Environmental write John Gibbons was interviewed by Mario Rosenstock on TodayFM this week about climate change. The 11 minute interview is worth listening to and includes some hard hitting scenarios about how bad the effects of climate change could be, depending on whether we act now or not. The above illustration shows the devastating effect a 3m+ rise in sea levels would have on Ireland.

Solar Powered Website

Low-tech Magazine have launched a new version of their website which is a low tech, self hosted, solar powered site. The new site drastically reduces the amount of content served and the page size delivered by dithering images, using a default font and removing the logo and cookies. Using solar power, the site boasts approx. 90% uptime, and uses an overlay to show users the current charge of the battery.

Podcasts Of The Week: Mothers Of Invention

Former President of Ireland Mary Robinson and irish comedian Maeve Higgins have launched a podcast called Mothers of Invention. The podcast aims to highlight much of the amazing work done by women around the world in tackling climate change issues large and small. The first episode has some fantastic insights about how the legal systems of countries are being used by ordinary citizens to push for climate change progress at government levels. Also, the craic between Mary and Maeve makes for a great listen!


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