
Near Silent Drone Delivery

The autonomous drone delivery company Zipline released details of their impressive new delivery platform. A whisper quiet drone with specially designed propellers based on hummingbirds hovers overhead and lowers a shuttlecraft looking storage box that uses its own propeller fans to guide its descent to the ground, where it opens a hatch and delivers your package. Zipline already deliver medical suppliers across Rwanda as part of the 600,000 deliveries they have made so far. Check out the Irish connection at 34:30 in their latest keynote.

Generating Viewpoints From Reflections

Researchers at MIT have developed an Objects as Radiance-Field Cameras (ORCa) technique that uses reflections on shiny objects as image sensors to generate viewpoints outside the view of the original camera.If you remember the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Identity Crisis (s04e18) where Geordie recreates an incident on the holodeck and generates a previous unseen viewpoint, we can now do this with AI.

Geothermal Well Battery

Geothermal energy company Fervo Energy have discovered a way to utilise a geothermal well as a battery. By drilling cracks into geothermal hard rock, pumping lots of water in and sealing the well, the water can later be released at high pressure, allowing energy to be delivered at high output at times when renewables are generating low output.


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